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"Well... fuck."
Black pigment and glass shards on orange linoleum.
Temporary kinetic installation, 2023.



ohno :blob_cat_ohnoes:​

Good picture, at least. :(


@lila_bliblu My own fault for putting that stuff in a glass container. At least easier to clean up then that large bottle of blood red ink a few years ago. 😅



My cat broke a bottle of almond oil in my office and every now and then you can see brown stains coming out the fake tiles on the floor. :'D



Not that much, it's not enough to smell anything. Your picture is way more beautiful than my stains. :D


@eyeling "temporary kinetic installation"

I laughed out loud! Good job making lemonade, at least.


@eyeling It had the courtesy of appearing seasonal, at least. 😐 Looks kind of cool actually.


@eyeling 😔

Reminds of an old "art piece" of mine: Bean chili and shards of Corelle® Winter Frost White on gray vinyl and white cabinets.

Corelle may resist breakage, but when it does break, it shatters!

Ryan Randall :OpenAccess: :hc:

@eyeling Great photo!

My second immediate thought was "To view this installation, you must confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor, you are in no way affiliated with…"

In case you don't know that context:


@eyeling "temporary kinetic installation" ahahahaha I love this so much

Novel Exploration


Major art work. Excellent!!

[Commiserations, though. Was it valuable?]

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