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they say C++ is all about zero cost abstractions but no one is accounting for the cost of therapy needed after looking at C++ code for long enough

Oliver Hunt

@qwertyoruiop In fairness that's how they treat all of the other costs that come from C and C++: ASLR, Pointer Auth, zoned/typed allocators, etc. C and C++ achieve "zero abstractions" by defining any of the costs incurred by the language design choices as being UB and out of the scope of the language itself. Which is certainly a strategy.

Also, I cannot stress enough how amazing it is to me that you were able to get that domain.

Pierre H.

@qwertyoruiop which is why we're rewriting all of XNU in C++, just for your (dis)pleasure


@qwertyoruiop Nietzche had words for C++. Words we did not heed.

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