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Patrick Breyer

🇬🇧 Amazing news from the European Parliament: 💥 Parliament negotiators have agreed to aim for stoppig #chatcontrol and guaranteeing secure encryption! Let’s not relent now...

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Force of Habit

@echo_pbreyer This is a surprise. A win for fundamental human rights!!!


@echo_pbreyer Thank you for all your efforts, this is an amazing development!

Elias Mårtenson

@echo_pbreyer I saw for the first time, today, Swedish media ( talking about Johansson and her discussions with lobbyists. Until now, I heard nothing.

Hans van Zijst
@Elias Mårtenson

> Until now, I heard nothing.

That is, I think, one of the biggest surprises of this near-catastrophe: mainstream media weren't interested, or were suggested to shut up about it.
Hans van Zijst
@Patrick Breyer Great news! Thank you so much for your work, you've put a lot of effort in getting this disastrous proposal off the table. Europe would have been screwed if this were to become law.

@echo_pbreyer Great news! And great work!

/Samuel Skånberg, president of Kamratdataföreningen Konstellationen in Sweden, one of the organizations that have worked with this issue

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