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@paul Oh yes. I have a cron row to periodically dump the crontab to a file for exactly this reason. It’s very meta.

Phasorburn (chaos monkey, esq.)

@heliomass @paul that’s avoiding an opportunity to test an unplanned restore from backup

Pavol Salgari 엔키두

@paul been there done that… once I even forgot to include any argument after crontab command on Solaris and it replaced existing crontab with empty one

Amethyst 🌸

@paul you could always switch to Dvorak 🤪

Bill Noon

@paul Yep, did that when typing in a shell on my phone. I just stared at the returned prompt in disbelief. Had to go to the man page to see what -r did.

Johan Halse

@paul I made that exact observation some 20 years ago when I nuked all the cron jobs on our pet email server at school by slipping a tiny amount on the keys

Tom Harris

@paul totally agree, I’ve been bitten by that one too

Jean-Pierre Deckers

@paul hence my alias crontab='crontab -i' in my .bashrc , asks for yes/no when accidentally fucking up

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