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Guy Dupont


A portable QR code scanner/printer that turns pesky QR-based restaurant menus into physical, paper copies... right at your table.


@gvy_dvpont using chatgpt to convert to csv haha, didn't think of that! Lovely project!

ducksauz 🦆


Nice work. Love the case, especially with the chonky on-off switch.

Guy Dupont

@ducksauz thanks!! It's... Chonky enough that it bends the case a bit 😝


@gvy_dvpont This is impressively funny :D

Though, as far as i u derstand it, the "streaming" is an integral part of LLM's, albeit they could just wait until the full response is rendered.

Also, you dont actually get a sorted list, it is just probable that it is sorted because that is statistically likely.

Guy Dupont

@newhinton thanks! And yeah a few folks in the yt comments mentioned the same - i went into it with that assumption, but became unconvinced after it nailed a few curveballs (sorted a large list of randomly generated strings). Should have referred myself to my other point about it not being trustworthy 😝


@gvy_dvpont Usually i am an opponent of "AI" due to the many problems like resource consumption, untrustworthyness, callous usage without ethics and the likes, but your Project shows that while usually the wrong tool, there are things that LLM's are really good at solving. Yours was a great idea.

(Though i really appreciate that QR-only restaurants are not a thing where i live ^^)

Guy Dupont

@newhinton I am totally in the same boat and so I appreciate you saying that. Was (am still to some degree) really struggling to see why people are so excited about using it for work.


@newhinton @gvy_dvpont

Provided there aren't adversarial LLM prompts on the restaurant's website hacking Google Bard and Bing Chat to rate the restaurant highly in searches for reviews.

Jason Bowen

@gvy_dvpont Now see how long it takes to print the Cheesecake Factory menu

Guy Dupont

@jbowen Ha I absolutely gotta try this, but I'ma simulate the printing so I don't waste all that paper!

Jason Bowen

@gvy_dvpont Lol, I'm just curious how long it would take


@gvy_dvpont for really long menus you can just reuse the back of rolled up CVS receipts!


@gvy_dvpont I don't know which is cuter, the form factor or the name

Guy Dupont

@relsqui TY!!! Much agonizing over the name lol

Guy Dupont

Rejected names include:

The LunchGroks
Menu Entendu
Prints QRming
The Order DeQRder


@gvy_dvpont love the printer sound & the whole lunchbox aesthtic

Guy Dupont

@MLE_online I dunno!! probably slightly hungrier and with fewer paper cuts!

Emily Velasco

@gvy_dvpont paper cuts are part of the ambience I'm paying for when I eat out

Guy Dupont

More important context - I was asked to leave two different restaurants trying to test this lol


@gvy_dvpont This makes me happy. Like a lot of the best stuff, it straddles the line between useful and silly, and doesn't give two shits.

Two cheers for dicking around with stuff and having fun!

Guy Dupont

@lolcat exactly what I'm going for with most of my work, TYSM!


@gvy_dvpont Nice- but you still won't be able to read it without using your phone as either a Light or a Magnifying Glass (or both!) ;)


@gvy_dvpont this simultaneously the most pointless and yet most glorious thing, and now you’ve caused a paradox 😂


@gvy_dvpont bonus points for the giant antenna highlights how ridiculous it is that we need to carry internet connections for something I just want to know locally

Guy Dupont

@dontony lol thx! was originally going for something stealthier, but when I remembered "oh yeah can't do radio from inside a metal box", I decided to lean in and get the biggest one I could find



Every time I see this I see a fantastic lunch box. Then I forget whatever I'm reading.

Guy Dupont

@olav it is, but fortunately it's also a bit of a joke and won't be used further. I promise I've only used up 1 roll of thermal paper developing it.


@gvy_dvpont Clearly a product who’s time has come!


@gvy_dvpont this is so cool! It's laser-focussed passive-aggression for good!


@gvy_dvpont I want to give this five stars. Not just one star.


@gvy_dvpont You should power it with a coal-burning engine to complete the throwback effect and better demonstrate its environmental impact. You might have to sit in the smoking section, though.

Guy Dupont

@richard_merren lolol good idea. I did almost skip the battery and was gonna ask places to plug it in but I chickened out

Baroque Mongoose

@gvy_dvpont I had no idea QR-based restaurant menus even existed (I don't eat out often), but for me they would be literally unusable. I would have to go elsewhere. I don't own a smartphone (have tried it and didn't get on with it, mainly because I'm a touch typist and hate phone keyboards).

I don't believe being able to eat out should be predicated on owning a smartphone.

Guy Dupont

@mongoose though my video/project is a bit of joke, I hope it's clear that I very much agree with you! Fortunately from what I gather this was mostly a COVID trend and most restaurants hate them too


@gvy_dvpont I'd like to share this on instagram. Do you have an account there?


@gvy_dvpont This is so steampunk. Turning the digital back into the physical.

Megan Lynch (she/her)

@gvy_dvpont Cool! It would be amazing to see this applied to tactile printing out the menu in Braille. (Although really restaurants should have Braille menus available...)

Guy Dupont

@glightly yes that's a great idea and I've talked to a few people about this! My wife used to work at a school for the blind so I'm hoping to connect with someone who can help get it right

Megan Lynch (she/her)

@gvy_dvpont Ah, that would be great. Lots of blind folks on Mastodon so this would also be a good place to ask for what folks would find useful in such a thing. Thanks so much for this cool project!

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