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Joan Westenberg

I shitcanned my Twitter 2 weeks ago.

Left behind 30,000 followers.

Only have 1000 here.

But I still get more traffic to my writing...

Which should tell you something about Birdchan.

Anyway, repost to support an indie transgender tech writer and journalist! ✍️🍕🏳️‍⚧️

Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

@Daojoan yeah I've had pretty much the same experience.

I will admit that for people who don't want to put in the effort to genuinely interact with their followers mastodon is not as rewarding.
I've had a few people try to do algorithm friendly posts and realize that it doesn't get the kind of traction it does on Twitter just by being algorithm friendly because we don't have one 😅

Neil Brown

@adora @Daojoan


for people who don't want to put in the effort to genuinely interact with their followers mastidon is not as rewarding


Joan Westenberg

@adora the total lack of reward for growth hackers is so bloody freeing. I can’t tell you what the vibes have done for my mental health vs the bad app!

John Caveney woke is me🛠️

@Daojoan they permanently banned me before rocket man took over because I had the temerity to call into question the ability of one Liz Truss to be a member of parliament, this was long before there was any suggestion that she would be an incumbent of number 10. It was quite apparent that the Tories had some serious influence at the top of the old bird site. I merely suggested she gained high office for skills other than intellect. Nothing since has changed my mind.


@Daojoan I heard someone say that Mastodon is anti-trans, is that true?

Alany :verified:

@Goldie_gator @Daojoan
Very false, most of the Fediverse (Including Mastodon) is Trans-friendly
There are some anti-trans instances, but those are blocked by most, if not all the rest of the instances

Steph Piper

@Daojoan Great to see you here Joan!! Love your work.

PJ Coffey


Did you know you can pin up to 5 posts on your account?

Nifty eh? And whilst free text search is available I do like the old #. Good luck!

#JoanWestenberg #Journalist #trans


@Daojoan BIRDCHAN. Okay I’m dead from laughter. A+. 5/5.


Not a whole lot of readers over there.

Jay Peach

@Daojoan BTW, do you have a blog? Your tweets about the net the way it used to be would be great as a blog post. Your instance appears to have a really limiting post length. My main account is on my own server and has a 3000 character post limit. You can really streach your thoughts with that kind of room.


@Daojoan People tend often to confuse quantity with quality.

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