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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

7 days left to order one of these shirts before they are gone! These are screen-printed which means they will last longer than the on-demand shirts, but only have a 2-week ordering period. We also have more shirt colors than just black...which is unusual for us. πŸ™‚

Andrew Briscoe

@ivory I had sent the link to my wife for birthday/christmas gift so 🀞🏼

Dustin Savery

@ivory I’d totally get one if they didn’t have the black outline 😬

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@dusave It won't have the black outline on the black shirts. Unfortunately with these screen printed runs, we can't run different colors and this was the best way to get a bunch of shirt color options with a single design.

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