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@nixCraft it is truly the year of the Linux desktop.


@da_667 @nixCraft Last few decades of the Linux desktop here....was die hard slackware for years.


Was not for me. I need a full #Linux box to work with :linux:

(That is just for me personally - YMMV)


@nixCraft Is... Is that person running linux on WSL on windows on a Mac SE30 ?


@nixCraft Hey, do you have a tutorial on how to add if there are any available updates to the motd output?

Stefano Marinelli

@nixCraft The problem is that many people really believe they're using Linux. Not Linux on Windows, they believe that THAT is Linux...


@stefano @nixCraft worst than that, a girl on Twitter posts she's working at Microsoft, and she truly believes she knows Linux by using wsl


@nixCraft They deserve it. They're typing with their index fingers, eww...


@nixCraft now how do I install a tiling window manager with that


@nixCraft interesting, normally the thing I say when I see that screen is F**K.


@nixCraft We get it, you’ve never been a power user on Windows.

Georg Ramer

@sully1503 @nixCraft I know a few "Windows Powerusers" They usually have a collection of weird, semi-legal gui apps to get things done that would take two seconds in the Linux commandline

Georg Ramer

@sully1503 @nixCraft For example: multiple concurrent remote sessions (same user or different users, doesn't matter).


@georgramer @nixCraft Which is done with a client and takes like 5 steps to enable.


@georgramer @nixCraft Yeah. Literally helped and IT Service Tech set it up, because he didn’t know how. Unless you’re talking about breaking the EULA agreement and trying to run non-licensed copies of windows. Maybe that’s what you meant by β€œsemi-legal” GUIs.

Georg Ramer

@sully1503 @nixCraft Which version of Windows would you need to have multiple, concurrent remote sessions?

I just watched a guy who "knows windows" absolutely go crazy because he had bought a beef machine hoping to give several users access at the same time.


@georgramer @nixCraft You could use the RDP wrapper project or using something like a multipoint server.

Georg Ramer

@sully1503 @nixCraft RDPWrapper is not legal at all and it is a bit funny that MS is hosting it on github. But googling this question I ran into Win Enterprise multi-session. Do you have any experience with that? It does look useful.

DELETED replied to Georg

@georgramer @nixCraft I don’t really dabble in breaking the EULA and I don’t see much of a use case for it, because you’re essentially building and old school mainframe. You’d have issues with bandwidth. It would be fare easier and run better if you just had a beefy server.

Kevin Lyda

@sully1503 @nixCraft "A power user on Windows." That's like a "power barista on a Keurig machine."

Georg Ramer

@nixCraft Works much better the other way around. Winapps lets you run windows apps on a linux desktop seamlessly. It's magical.


@georgramer @nixCraft can it run teams? As MS stopped the teams app for linux...

Georg Ramer

@gunstick @nixCraft If it's just for Teams then winapps would be overkill. Under the hood it RDPs into a local (or remote) windows VM.

Teams works well for me in Chromium, though.


@georgramer @nixCraft I recenzly had a teams meeting, used firefox. No video cameras of the participants and also svreen sharing was not showing on my side.
Obviously MS is artificially crippling everything which is not by them.
This was on a 10Gbit link, so no network problem.

Georg Ramer

@gunstick @nixCraft Yeah, I use πŸ”₯🦊 for everything but Teams. Teams only works well in Chromium. Even screen sharing works reliably. (Ubuntu, Gnome, Wayland).

Kevin Lyda

@georgramer @gunstick @nixCraft Chrome or Edge works fine for Teams - Ubuntu with i3. I mean, Teams is dogshit, so "works" is a loose term, but as far as Teams "works" it works in Chromium based browsers.


@georgramer @gunstick @nixCraft FWIW, the Linux version of Teams still works, I'm using it daily on my Debian desktop.

The only issue is that unless you managed to save the package back when it was downloadable, you're out of luck actually getting it today. :)

I have the .deb of several most recent versions, but I guess legally I am unable to distribute it to anybody else...


@nixCraft You mean it actually completed the updates??? Mine takes at least 12 hrs (i5-6200, 16GB RAM).


@nixCraft I am living this hell every day. As I'm admin, I should research how to turn off this nonsense. I get the news of major secirity updates anyway and will patch then. And not everytime microshit wants to push a new "feature".

@nixCraft Let's just leave windows in a virtual machine, where it belongs.

Andrew Leer

@nixCraft You know you could prevent this if you just bought and additional copy of Windows Server and set it up for WSUS. :')


@nixCraft I prefer running Linux as a Virtual Box VM under Windows but auto updates mean you can't run a 24/7 server.

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