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Matthew Garrett

PLEASE check your kids' Halloween candy. Just found an Okta admin access token in a Snickers bar.


@Viss @mjg59 Yikes, that's even worse than the candy they found running Doom

Hugo Mills

@mjg59 That's fine. It's when you get an IRC URL that connects to something with a mailing list subscription address in the /topic that you have to worry.

Karsten Johansson

@mjg59 In this day and age, I prefer not to dog whistle our kids as potential targets.


@mjg59 Shit. I think I just ate one. This is going to be worse than that one Pink Floyd concert in '89.

Gwyn Ciesla

@mjg59 my kid got a snickers with 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 printed in the side.

David Sacerdote

@V_S @mjg59 Probably an accident. Java initializes integer arrays with a number sequence which used to be used as a launch code for US nuclear weapons.

Ben Rush

@mjg59 @bynkii At least it's not the LastPass data archives that I found in one of my kids' candy last year. That stuff smelled awful.

Sir Farts Alot

@mjg59 I’m giving out sprigs of broccoli this year. Or maybe toothbrushes.


@horqua @mjg59 enjoy washing much-deserved egg off your house

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor:

@mjg59 @hacks4pancakes via a non-mastodonian friend: "oh no, my Twix pair is both the private and public keys in an RSA exchange!"



I remember the one year I looked in the bag and there was Marcellus Wallace’s soul. I remember it came from this weird house - Gump or Gimp, something like that on the address.

And they were like weird and kept saying “Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re gonna get.”

Then they chortled endlessly and one of them fired up an electric hand saw.

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