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War Mapper

Reports from Russian sources of a Ukrainian crossing of the Dnipro River earlier in the week have been partially confirmed in at least 2 locations.

Ukraine has made crossings before to raid positions on the Russian-held side of the river.

🇷🇺 forces have advanced on the southern edge of Avdiivka.


@warmapper The cagers. The о́рки are proving road-bound (uk: прив'язаний до дороги, credit: again. The о́рки fight anywhere, but mostly where there are two factors: roads and Russian-speakers. M. E.s guess is that о́рків hiking skills and language learning skills are drastically inferior. They're on Vulytsya Soborna, 326, Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, 86060 this time.

The Ukrainians can WAIT OUT

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