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Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

Not enough people are loudly and publicly upset about the fact that basically no free search engine is okay anymore.

Like I'm seriously longing for fucking AltaVista at this point what the fuck.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@Wolven Jeeves, come back, I didn’t mean the hurtful things I said so long ago, I miss you 😢



WebCrawler, where are you now? Life was so simple back then.



Launched 29 years ago. Still going, too. I remember waiting for the page to load right after launch.

Orrery :autism: :peacock:

@Wolven The enshittification of the internet proceeds apace.

Manu M

@Wolven These days I’m on Qwant and I’m generally OK with the results.

Tut Willy 🔱

@Wolven I think I interviewed there, back in the day.

Shannon Clark

@Wolven indeed. This is what I want from a search engine:

I put in a search.

The search engine shows me pages that have the terms I searched for (not some of them, or what it thinks I meant, or pages it thinks are related to what it thinks I'm searching for. )

If this is 1 page - just show me that one page. If this is 10,000,000 pages, break it up, rank them (showing me how recent they are if you can tell) & let me refine my search.

I start to refine the engine can makes suggestions

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