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(Matthew)=> return ๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“–

You know, without Web3 NFT bullshit, there was a lost era of decentralized gaming back when it wasn't cost effective to have massive servers for users. Old games which used the host/join system. Hell, just games where one client in a LAN also acted as the server computer. I get it, it's just easier to run all your online interactions through Nintendo, but like... Those old games can still go online, whereas everything else just died. That's sad and we should make that a consideration again.

ari melody ๐Ÿ’ซ

@mdstevens0612 i keep saying it, and i'll keep saying it until i die

multiplayer games should have at minimum community server support before first-party support ends
the graveyard of perfectly good, fun, online games painfully tethered to proprietary, closed-source first-party servers is growing, and that needs to stop real quick

Iska it's a managment problem, not a technical one. All these games could've easily allowed you to host and use a custom server but they didn't โ€‹:cirno_shrug:โ€‹

it's goatin time ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ

@mdstevens0612 I mean, that's one of the things that kept Minecraft so relevant. They eventually started Realms but there's nothing stopping you and five friends from making a server to make giant dick statues on

Third spruce tree on the left

@letsgoat @mdstevens0612 Second this - Minecraft harkens back to the early 2000s and self hosted game servers. Minecraft server hosting is EASY, especially with all the server admin/plugin management apps available. And you move your worlds by just copying folders around, quite elegant.


@tezoatlipoca @letsgoat @mdstevens0612 Great point. I agree with the OP, but wondered if perhaps it's technically awkward because we're all behind NAT now. Old games may have benefitted from the PC having a direct connection. But Minecraft! It's obviously technically possible, totally forgot about that.


@mdstevens0612 thanks, I thought about this, too, recently. :)

Edit: thanks for talking about it

Phil Rees

@yetiinabox @mdstevens0612 I'm a big fan of Minetest's Hades game. On our LAN one kid farms and the other runs personal protection while I dig down to the good stuff.

Third spruce tree on the left


That's it when I get back back home Im looking that up. I used to host a 20 person Tribes server on a P2 or P3 with 64 MB of RAM on a home broadband connection (albeit a really good one). The server app was a different executable that ran in headless console mode with a little graphical admin app. Quite simple and elegant really, even to add in mods.

Raptor :gamedev:

@tezoatlipoca @mdstevens0612 tribes and UT2k4 are still two of my favorite FPS games ever, both had such amazing movement that absolutely NO multiplayer FPS has even come close to since. In tribes once you could master efficiently boosting and landing on slopes to maintain speed (skiing!) you could just move incredibly fast.


@tezoatlipoca @mdstevens0612 Tribes was available officially for free download for quite some time. Occasionally I fire it up just to hear the Spinfusor. Website seems to be down now, but -

Playing with construction mods or just a round of TAC (instagib if you touch the ground) was good fun.

Jack Linke ๐Ÿฆ„

@tezoatlipoca holy crap! Yes ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Tribes was so fun, and ahead of its time, I think.

Alistair Davidson

@mdstevens0612 Furthermore it meant servers could have communities. Playstyles, settings, social values. I used to go back to the same few counterstrike servers again and again and you'd get to recognise other players.

XorOwl ๐ŸŽƒ

@mdstevens0612 its not gone. I still host games for friends and small communities. Its not ALL cloud based.
Project zomboid, terraria, unturned, 7 days to die, anything made by valve, all have self hosted server options.
And the list goes on.

About around when diablo 3 came out and shit the bed i realized i needed to learn to host games. Ive since evolved to all kinds of services

(Matthew)=> return ๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“–

@xorowl We thank you for your work! Not all gone but definitely massively diminished. Definitely more the exception than the rule and almost unheard of in the AAA space any more.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@mdstevens0612 you mean like #Matchmaking and #SystemLink and #LAN gaming?

Yeah, that still exists and both #GOGgalaxy and #Steam support this including #Crossplay between the two...

Also you can thank the #Copyrightmafia that literally made braking #DRM a felony for causing #GamePreservation to be legally impossible!

(Matthew)=> return ๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“–

@kkarhan Companies selling us legacy versions of games after killing community projects via DMCA takedowns is another sin of capitalism I will go to the grave without forgiving

Serena Tiede

@mdstevens0612 heck you can still play battlefield 1942 because they shipped a server as part of the disks bought.

King Calyo

@mdstevens0612 @gearlicious Games such as Minecraft, Terraria, Factorio, Astroneer, and Satisfactory, all function in a similar way, where one running instance acts as the server/host and all others join in.

It's not a dead system by any stretch of the imagination. :)


@mdstevens0612 @aks Darn NAT is making things complicated. #IPv6 was supposed to solve this, but we're nowhere near enough adoption, especially in the gaming space.

แดš uษแ—ก

@forst @mdstevens0612 @aks you mean having to port forward on your router?

is this really a major blocker for someone - or did you mean something else


@dannotdaniel @mdstevens0612 @aks Port forwarding is a problem, but not the main problem. I'm thinking more of CGNAT, where the user doesn't have a public IP in the first place.


@mdstevens0612 There are still quite a few Neverwinter Nights servers running like that. Game is 25 years old and still going.


@mdstevens0612 sea of thieves is coming back to it ! And counter strike hasn't stopped it in the update either. It's not looking great but also not completely dead yet.

Chris Hessert ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

Maybe thatโ€™s the next feature of the Fediverse โ€” federated game servers? ๐Ÿ™‚


@mdstevens0612 yeah but hear me out... Every tick there's a new ledger added to the call of duty 87 server blockchain that describes exactly what's going on

it's only gonna take, say, 3 hours to update to the next tick ๐Ÿ™ƒโ€‹


from my experience crypto will poison anything it touches and will destroy it I lost my second home because of this

Steffo ๐Ÿฒ

@epicEaston197 Isn't Bluesky also something with crypto? :sd_thinking:

hmmmmmm :sd_thonk: :sd_thonk: :sd_thonk:


I failed to see where I mentioned that.

Steffo ๐Ÿฒ

@epicEaston197 you didn't, but because you said "crypto will poison anything it touches" I kinda thought of bluesky. Because as far as I heard Bluesky saves everything in a blockchain. And thus.. poisoned :3

Steffo ๐Ÿฒ

@epicEaston197 and I don't blame you.

Just wanted to make a quick joke.
And explaining jokes is not a great experience, I can tell you that :sd_sweatsmile:

Millions :biflag:

@mdstevens0612 Iโ€™m happy Minecraft actually has server hosting and isnโ€™t just realms only

Imagine if every Minecraft server was just hosted on mojangโ€™s servers? That probably wouldโ€™ve been a thing if Minecraft had been made 5 years later though

Journalist :stare:

@mdstevens0612 this EXACT thing happened with payday 2 and 3.

Payday 2 was peer-to-peer and used a host/join system. The lobby host was the server host and no servers needed to be maintained by starbreeze.

Payday 3 launched with always online DRM and servers that all players have to join, EVEN IF YOU'RE PLAYING ALONE WITH BOTS, and the first 2 weeks of launch were horrible, with server's going down all the time and nobody actually being able to play the game they bought.

It's all about quick money at the launch, and I bet if they used a peer-to-peer system like Payday 2, then they would've made even more money. It's so backwards.

@mdstevens0612 this EXACT thing happened with payday 2 and 3.

Payday 2 was peer-to-peer and used a host/join system. The lobby host was the server host and no servers needed to be maintained by starbreeze.

Payday 3 launched with always online DRM and servers that all players have to join, EVEN IF YOU'RE PLAYING ALONE WITH BOTS, and the first 2 weeks of launch were horrible, with server's going down all the time and nobody actually being able to play the game they bought.

Chadee the Dream Witch ๐ŸŒ• ๐ŸŒŠ

@mdstevens0612 The old games keep going, but nobody makes money on them anymore.

They'd rather things not exist than exist and not make money on them.

It's designed to break or be broken whenever their profits drop.

(Matthew)=> return ๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“–

@matoakit Or worse sell us a "remaster" which runs worse, looks uglier and has invasive DRM. The gaming industry is so good and fun and normal.

Internet Rando


i don't know you, just an internet rando here, but.. You're absolutely right, and I wish more people understood this.


Bruno Andreghetti

100% agree. At least nowadays we can stream our screen and play the local co-op mode online in many games, but of course that doesn't apply to all games "/

Rihards Olups

@mdstevens0612 This suddenly brought back memories how Carmageddon or Carmageddon 2 only supported IPX, and there was some proxy for TCP which we rigged up.
It wasn't as enjoyable back then, as internet speeds were too slow and LAN parties still ruled :)

@mdstevens0612 there's still a pretty active Hideous Destructor co-op scene using GZDoom's peer-to-peer system
argv minus one

@mdstevens0612 It's not that it's easier. It's that it's more profitable. Subscription fees, ads, data harvesting, and all.

Ben Kimock

@mdstevens0612 Not even that long ago! TF2 was big recently, right? All the wacky community servers were such a joy.


@mdstevens0612 I get what you say and I totally agree as a concept, but making the client also behave as a server is not trivial work, and can often make the host not enjoy gameplay in the same way. And using network services frees game developers from doing lots of backend work that players want: friends integration, searching for servers, etc.
There is a reason devs use online services. That being said, there should be a process to free game from those services once support dissappears

David Stark

@mdstevens0612 Oh yes, that's why in my game you can just host/join via IP, as well as there being official MP servers.

Pumpkin spiced Wolfdog

@mdstevens0612 I think a big part of it is that, back in the 90's and esrly 2000s, the people the games were aimed at had a lot more technical knowledge & ability compared to the target audience now.

Bernadaite ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

@mdstevens0612 playing age of empires with my pals... in the same room.. or Diablo ll with pals that are far away... The old version. And everything works... blessed times

Yrjรคnรค Rankka ๐ŸŒป

@mdstevens0612 but.. butโ€ฆ then you canโ€™t nickle-and-dime your players with micro transactions! And let rich kids get ahead orhers with loot boxes.

awooo :blobfoxcheck: ๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ :bisexual_flag: ๐Ÿพ โŽ‡

@mdstevens0612 Been hosting a Xonotic server for a couple of friends, but it's listed publicly and people do join sometimes, it's honestly pretty nice to be able to contribute to infrastructure like that :3

Kirsche ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฐ:win3_setup:โ€‹

@mdstevens0612 Setting up XLink Kai was one of the coolest things I had done in the last couple years. A friend and I used it to play Timesplitters and Doom 3 on the original Xbox LONG after Xbox Live 1.0 closed.

It only supports games that have LAN support but that makes up a lot of the multiplayer games on that console

midi :therian: :verified420:

@mdstevens0612 this is always a huge consideration for me when it comes to the games I like to play

unfortunately what comes with that is I never have anyone to play with lmao

'hey wanna play mhfu? you'll have to get this emulator and connect to this server and then... oh ok I'll start downloading mhworld again i guess'


@mdstevens0612 i want web4.0 or whatever the future version ends up being to follow digital socialists princibles, like if its cool it had better be easy set up and reproduce and be open source and all that jazz that was cool about web 1.0 (like how neocities is a thing now)

Mike Switzer

Quakeworld with GameSpy got so many things right

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