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Marcin Wichary

A book idea: “Life before software.” All of the amazing mechanical and electromechanical solutions to what today would be software: Old pinball machines, Backspace on a Selectric, tons of a/v stuff, Linotype, Comptometer, phone relays, probably a million other things. Beautiful drawings and great stories.

Soh Kam Yung

@mwichary to be produced without software also? 🙂

Nelson Minar 🧚‍♂️

@mwichary I hear you'll be looking for a new project soon :-)


@mwichary Some early machine tools as well; I think a lot of stuff kind of got there in sequencing/automation.

Marcin Wichary

@TechConnectify Still watching your video if you can’t tell!

Ángela Stella Matutina


All kinds of analog calculators from the humble slide rule to the Bendix Central Air Data Computer, stopping in the way to admire tide-predicting machines and gun directors. Sound synthesizers made out of oscillators and filters. The camera lucida and the blink comparator. Holmberg's lamp-based integrator for gravitational force between many galaxies.

By which I mean, yes, do it and I'll buy it and recommend it.

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