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Ilya Zverev

@djh The best job would be something in geospatial R&D. I love making things nobody has done (or even considered possible) before. See my OSM conflation tools, subway schema in OSM, Every Door, WhoDidIt, the best changes counter for OSM, and everything else on my github or I'm pretty sure I can e.g. pan the OSM API 0.7 roadmap that would benefit everybody, not just data consumers.

And for companies, I can help leverage crowdmapping or OSM data in a way they haven't thought before.

1 comment

@zverik awesome, sounds pretty dope if you ask me! 😊 If you put this into a toot and maybe add e.g. where you're based and if remote is fine or not and a few tags like geospatial etc. there's a high chance it makes it through the fediverse network! 🙌

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