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Dana Fried

@hrefna the problem is that the weird libertarian bent and lack of solidarity in tech means that if you won't do something they're just going to fire you and hire someone who will.

Without enforced obligations, harmful and dangerous products will be put on the market. Already are on the market.

We either need unions or professional standards. Otherwise we have no real power to say "no".

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Hrefna (DHC)

@tess I mean that is true in every other engineering discipline as well.

I know engineers—passed the FE, qualified for the EIT at a minimum, and have an ABET-accredited degree with "engineering" in the title engineers—who have worked on the B-52, on the Atlas-V rocket. I know engineers who have worked for companies like Boeing, Northrop-Grumann, and Ball Aerospace.

We aren't unique: others deal with the same.

But also: I am #union. Partly for this reason exactly. That's a solvable problem.

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