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Sophie Schmieg

@hrefna @tess same. I'm a member of the ACM (or at least try to be, it might have lapsed) in order to be bound by their Code of Ethics.

And at least in my view, I have ethical obligations as an engineer, both as a software engineer, and maybe even more strongly as a cryptography engineer, whether or not breaking them has personal consequences for me, personally.

(That aside, at least as far as cryptography engineering is concerned, breaking these obligations would likely have negative consequences in the form of shunning by other cryptographers)

Dana Fried

@sophieschmieg @hrefna huh, I did not know that this was an option, or the implications. This actually seems like the correct way (well, at least *a* correct way) to make a statement about how we should comport ourselves. (I'm reading the code of ethics now, and it's all good stuff.)

Hrefna (DHC)


I really like the ACM code of ethics. I wasn't involved in its process, but I followed along while the current one was being drafted, and a lot of good people worked on it and they did good work getting everything together.


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