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Baldur Bjarnason

“AI’s Electricity Use Is Spiking So Fast It’ll Soon Use as Much Power as an Entire Country”

Between this and crypto, the tech industry’s innovations seem to be doing a good job of nullifying whatever progress we make on the climate crisis.

Richard A.

@baldur And enormous quantities of water. I saw articles about how server farms in drought stricken areas were wasting far more water than anticipated, for cooling. It's not just electricity. These server farms also require water.

Nuncio Bitis ✷ ✅ 🏳️‍🌈

@baldur That's OK, they'll just cry for more oil drilling and government welfare.

Jonathan Schofield

@baldur the entire edifice is embedded in an economics that has no recognition of the problem. Sure, it talks about it. But it’s… a kind of net zero of concern

Chris P. 🍋

@baldur So glad we will stop destroying the Earth for cryptocurrencies and nfts in time to destroy the Earth for unnecessary language models.

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