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Jason Lefkowitz

@allenstenhaus @linuxfiend Oh yes. Mozilla was originally launched by Netscape as a kind of Hail Mary pass to save the company (or at least its code) after the disastrous decision to completely rewrite the code base from the ground up for Netscape 5 wrecked the business. While they were busy rewriting, Microsoft ate their lunch. The Hail Mary was open-sourcing all the newly rewritten code. Mozilla was the organizational vehicle for doing that.

Netscape eventually got a Mozilla-based browser out the door, Netscape 6. And then AOL bought them and produced their enshittified version, Netscape 7. But neither one really caught on; no Mozilla-based browser ever would, until Firefox.

Jason Lefkowitz

@allenstenhaus @linuxfiend Side note: Joel Spolsky, one of the founders of Stack Overflow, got his first real pop of public attention in 2000 by writing a blog post predicting the Netscape rewrite would be a disaster. It still gets circulated as a classic example of a highly influential post.

Third spruce tree on the left

@jalefkowit @allenstenhaus @linuxfiend sweet jeebus i remember reading that (joel re: rewriting from scratch) like it was yesterday. 23 yrs ago! Im so old

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