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this novel flat panel CRT display from 1985 has the electron beam LITERALLY TURN A CORNER 180 DEGREES WAT


@tubetime reminds me of some mass spectrometer designs... like tandem MS


@tubetime I vaguely remember something like. ISTR they couldn't figure out how to do shadow-mask-colour, so it was monochrome only.

Dr. Matt Lee

@tubetime I think Sinclair Research was looking at something similar.


@tubetime holy fuck i want to live in the timeline where these exist


@tubetime I want to live in the timeline where Philips is still doing research and making excellent products. Sadly ended up pasting their name on so much garbage

Григорий Клюшников

Imagine a parallel universe where this, instead of LCD and OLED, ended up being the dominating flat-panel display technology

Giles Goat

@tubetime Wasn't Sinclair portable TV tube as well doing something like that ?


@tubetime And there I was, thinking sinclair's screen was weird AF.

Paula Maddox

@tubetime neat, I remember when the Sinclair TV80 came out with its “flat screen” and what they did was have the electron gun at 90 degrees to the screen.
But 180 is impressive


@tubetime Doesn't forcing electrons to take tight corners release all sorts of interesting radiation?


@mueller_minki never released, who knows where the prototypes wound up


@tubetime I wonder how this would work as an oscilloscope tube design. It's all electrostatic so in theory you can deflect pretty fast...

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