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@thisismissem @renchap


Until Mastodon stops directing new users to I won't contribute a single cent.

in 2023 we spent and contributed $21K + on open source and fediverse projects.

Directing new users primarily to counters the spirit of decentralization.

Distributing users across various instances strengthens the fediverse and keeps it resilient.

Hoping for more decentralized onboarding strategies in the future. ✌️

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@jeff this is fundamentally the wrong stance, I think. Want users to join your instance? Direct them to you instance! Don't just tell them "download the Mastodon app" because that leaves them lost & at risk if isn't the default instance.

Like, you're punishing the entire project for a single decision β€” Pixelfed has just found themselves having to make a similar decision too!



I thought about that and I think I understand your reasoning. But I'd really prefer to support the project and not have to have to be in a position to compete against it simultaneously,

For the record.. NONE of the instance we operate are accepting users. So that's not a conflict.

In practice I would prefer that Mastodon not operate an instance at all and focus on the software.

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