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Peter Bindels

@GossiTheDog @timhaines @bagder There should almost be a fine for people knowingly submitting false or AI generated reports.

Kevin Beaumont

@dascandy42 @timhaines @bagder put it this way, a lawyer submitted court documents using ChatGPT and when called out about it - because the citations it used was made up - said they didn’t know AI could be wrong.

Bard told me I died of cancer in 2021, so hello from a ghost. 👻

daniel:// stenberg://

@dascandy42 @GossiTheDog @timhaines fortunately, at least on hackerone, there's a "reputation" for the hacker that gets a dent when they do this.

Peter Bindels

@bagder @GossiTheDog @timhaines I typed "almost", because this is going to create a situation similar to StackOverflow, where new users are almost unable to report anything.

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