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While we're at it, could you please consider using unlisted publicity level in threads more often? (Like this message has)
We're getting notifications for all your posts, even deep in a thread and out of context


This is my notifications feed. The message at the top is in fact an answer to the one below. But since you very often use "public" when replying, we get both in notifications. Using unlisted as you just did [only makes it not pop up in feeds](

My notifications feed in fedilab
Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@INeedMana 🤷 seems like a UI problem to me, not going to waste more of my time individually changing the posting, i just reply to my own posts


I understand. It was worth a try, though ;)
I don't know which client you use but usually you can set the default publicity for answers

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