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Derek Guder (he/him)

There’s a great #WorldOfDarkness Humble Bundle. Includes just about everything released for #VampireTheMasquerade and #HunterTheReckoning for $18, or like $40 for some #VampireRivals releases, as well. Great deal if you’re interested in diving into the games.



Which edition of Vampire is this?

I really liked the early to mid 90s editions of the rules, but lost a lot of interest when Armageddon came around in the mid-2000s and generified all the abilities (while simultaneously worsening the generation level universally.)

As someone whose favorite set of rules was the Dark Ages variant, how does the current stuff fare?

Derek Guder (he/him)

@GuerillaGrue it’s the latest - 5th edition. Great stuff, overall. Bit less emphasis on metaplot and they’re gone with “Gehenna is more of an extended weirdness than one big end-of-the-world” kind of approach.

Rules-wise, I think the new edition wins, hands-down. Lore-wise, I think there’s plenty of room to tweaks things to a table’s tastes.

Either way, if you were a fan before, $18 is totally worth all you’ll get at that price. And if you liked the old card game, Rivals is much streamlined.



I honestly wasn't aware there was a card game *at all* until you linked this, either an old one or a current one :)

I'll def consider it if I get the money in the next month. Thankfully the bundle's got a good amount of time left to go!

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