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"but really, why can't you just generate pkgconfig files with whatever, even a perl script would go, just do it correctly?!" -- me editing pkgconfig files with sed after a lost battle with some cmake bullshit

у дерева нет пути (отпути)

my code:
- uses a few handwritten concise makefiles
- handles all dependecies properly via a clever nested make trick+extensive pkgconfig usage, you have to make clean it only when the compiler is a moron, but it normally takes one tea sip because everything is parallel.
- works with two different toolchains and on three hosts with different linux distros, compiles with zero warnings (I silenced all that I don't like)
- crashes with short descriptive gfy on improper usage
- no docs, but only because my bosses think that's useless (but I'm secretly writing them anyway)

(most of) code that I (have to) use to get my job done:
- install python=3.1415926 or consequences (mysterious error)
- oh no segfault (refusing to elaborate)
- compiler fills a tmux buffer with warnings before I can even blink
- oh we aren't sure how to use ld flags properly, sorry, maybe -l would pass?
- three versions of documentation competing in unclearness and incompletness
- we have a shiny new version with shiny new bugs that will break some of your workflows and annoy you for months until we make shiner ones
- there are two systems that generate unreadable makefiles, none of them gets the job done right without (a lot of) tweaking.
- there is a new 'easier' api (but little to no examples of its usage). yeah, who cares...
- etc etc etc

i'm tired like tire dust on the bottom of the pacific ocean. maybe I should open a bookshop instead?

my code:
- uses a few handwritten concise makefiles
- handles all dependecies properly via a clever nested make trick+extensive pkgconfig usage, you have to make clean it only when the compiler is a moron, but it normally takes one tea sip because everything is parallel.
- works with two different toolchains and on three hosts with different linux distros, compiles with zero warnings (I silenced all that I don't like)
- crashes with short descriptive gfy on improper usage
- no docs, but only because...

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welll now I have configure-like hacks implemented via a few makefiles, they kinda work until someone else would try to use them

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