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🎉 I'm officially looking for my next opportunity! 🎉 I’ve worked in nearly every pixel-related role over the last 20 years, from low-level graphics development to film VFX to product design, and I’m looking for related senior roles. I’m especially interested in climate-adjacent work, but mostly right now I’d just like to make connections. My card:

Keywords: graphics product design R&D prototypes art maps 3D frontend dataviz UI/UX animation models cartoons terrain scale.


I’ve never looked for work in public. Every position I’ve ever held has been through a referral or someone reaching out to me. I see other people posting about job-hunting in various ways, but I have no idea whether any of it is effective – mostly we don’t announce *how* we got work.

The last 16 months in tech have been gnarly. LinkedIn in particular has huge hunger games vibes, but job boards have always felt like an inefficient and impersonal way to connect with people.


At heart I’m a prototyper, so I’d like to iterate on this a bit. I’m more of an “asker” than a “guesser”, and I like research, so let’s start there: how did you get your last job?


While I'm thinking of it, here's how I got my last four roles:

1) Referral from a friend
2) Acqui-hire
3) Referral from a former coworker
4) Referral from a friend

Edit: Thread continues here:


Previous to this I worked for many years as part of the gig-based vfx studio "holds" system, which is in *dire* need of unionization. It is a very weird mutual-plausible-deniability setup involving Employers of Record and no benefits whatsoever

Tim Carmody

@meetar I don't know if I've ever gotten a job through an ordinary application process. Oh wait, that's not true! My first stint at Wired in 2010, I applied and got the job. But the vast majority were because someone thought of me


@tim classic "rewards of being employed" / "mortifying ordeal of being known" conundrum

that one JNL

@meetar Ministry gig-getting functions almost identically to med school residency match; I've heard similar things about some academic hires. Not sure where that stuff fits here, but we may not be who you're speaking to.


@jordinn Ooh, interesting! I know next to nothing about hiring in those fields – I worked as a freelancer in animation and vfx studios for many years, and would be fascinated to contrast how the negotiations function and whose needs they ultimately serve.

Mike J👹🐀 🤘🏻

@jordinn @meetar I assumed you meant government ministry until I saw your bio.


We're only an hour in, but I'm surprised "job board" is as high as it is. I'd be curious to know if that rate has changed over the last 5 years. There are 100 more follow-up polls I could post, but I'll leave that opportunity for others :)

kit yetts

@meetar literally ALL of my jobs have been referrals by family, friends, and former coworkers.

James O'Gorman

@meetar @kissane Kind of a mix of cold email / job board: I got my current job through where you list your skills and company recruiters (not agencies) message you to see if you’re interested. I really liked it over everything else I’ve tried.


@jamesog Having a human involved seems better than (I assume) algorithmic filtering!


@devlord I've had a lot of cold intros on LI but I've been assuming most of them are bots :D

Aaron Lord :csharp:

@meetar that’s why I ignore “connection requests” and only reply to “InMail” from paid accounts.

Amanda French

@meetar Saw job ad on birdsite posted by an acquaintance, applied, got — so Referral / Network was what I picked


@amandafrench Yep the socials seem like the broadest vector by far

mouse reeve

@meetar this is so interesting, I've only ever gotten jobs by just applying places


@tripofmice Hm! I would say that does seem unusual, I'd ask more but all the followup questions seem over-personal :D


@meetar I got my latest (part time, delightful) job from basically emailing the person in charge of the VERY small workplace and saying "I've always wanted to work here, here's what I can do..." and then, later, when there was funding, she reached back to me. We're both old internet people so maybe it was "through a friend" but had never worked together before. It's been great!


@meetar Last one was via folks who knew folks; but the one before that I literally scrobbled off LinkedIn scrolling and happened to hit a good note with the hiring manager.


@feonixrift 100 Old-School Internet Points for “scrobbled”


@meetar omgs is that old-school now 😅 thank you!


@feonixrift it’s been over 20 years!! …though is still going. so it’s current too :D

Paul Tomblin

@meetar They had a demo night to show off their new software. I was the only person who came with copies of my resume. All the younger people there went “man, why didn’t I think of that?”


The results are in: 2/3 of respondants got their last job via referrals, which supports my confirmation bias. Not quite 20% through job boards, which is a bit higher than I'd guessed, and only slightly more than cold contacts.

Now I'm wondering whether there's any way to make a job board act more like a human network. I don't think it's 2000 people applying for a single position via a web form, to be processed by machine learning.


@meetar remember Aardvark? I feel like something along those lines could be effective. I’ve always thought it was underplayed.


@rch I don’t! Web search fails me


@meetar anonymous 2-3 degree social network chatbot, I was a big user, I bet you were on there too back then


@rch totally possible I blanked it out but this isn’t ringing any bells at all :/

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