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Hi everyone 👋 I'm Kik, the contributor working on GitLab's implementation of ActivityPub. I've seen there has been a lot of discussions around here, so I decided to make a non-anonymous account to exchange with you all (it's also my first account on Mastodon proper!).

Let me stress it again, though : I'm a contributor to GitLab, not one of their employee, so I don't talk for them. :)

See you around!

Loïc Dachary

@kik great to know you are working on a Merge Request to move this forward.

I +1 this to show this is of interest to me. I hope others will too.


@dachary We took our time (everything will be built on top of the architecture it implements, so no rushing), but I'm quite confident it should be merged this week. :)

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