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Ned Yeung

I know this one to the bones. #WorkingClass

"Do you work well under pressure?"

"Yes, I do."

"Great, because we fabricate urgency through poor management, uneven distribution of duties and an inflated sense of self for upper management."

John Meadows

@ned The kind of meme that makes me happy to be retired from corporate life.

Ned Yeung

@Jgmeadows If only companies were run by the people qualified in operations, rather than the people qualified by capital.

Marshall Eubanks


Yes, of course. I prefer 100 kiloPascals, and will go home if it gets less than 33 kiloPascals.


This was pretty much my latest job interview. I couldn't be arsed to even finish it (didn't need the job that hard), so I just told the recruiter it was a bad fit and logged off.


@ned ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

Adrian Morales

@ned I don't work well under pressure, why lie about it? I need Kpop music and calming white noise to be playing in order to ease my nerves.

Those are some of my terms and conditions. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘

Ned Yeung

@adrianmorales I am a creative professional, and making people in my field "work under pressure" which they have unnecessarily created and is not inherent in the job, or even to "get the job done fast" is the antithesis of what we need to produce.


And the questions remains, why the 'ell am I still working there????


@ned having been sacrificed by a poor manager covering her own ass by blaming me for things well outside my job description (in fact parts of her job), ouch


@ned I once met someone who worked under immense pressure on an important project for her office. The epitome of grace under pressure. I couldn't believe how unflappable she was about all the deadlines, the overtime, the people freaking out around her.

Then, I discovered in a conversation with her, that her first job out of school was at a fast food restaurant nearby one of the world's largest soccer stadiums. Ok, that would explain that.

The Reply Guy

@ned One time I had a job that had a lot of pressure. Resetting bowling pins at the bowling alley. If you were too slow, the ball would hit you in the privates. Way more painful for boys than girls.

PhDog ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช

@replyguy @ned

Seems like justice by comparison because it wasn't just your boss kicking you there to see if it helped.


@ned We need another consultant to roast on our spit. You will do just fine!



Them: "Leadership has stated that..."
Me: "Can't you just use names, ie 'James' asked "

Kit Adlington

@ned The CEO has loads of great ideas to "make your life easier" but they have no idea how to implement them so that's down to you.

Laura Kellenbarger

@ned reminds me of my career working in a hospital โ€ฆ progressively worse.

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