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Jon Juarez

This show in which I worked on conceptual art and worldbuilding, will premiere on October 19.

#solarpunk #weird #scify #art #anime #animation


@harriorrihar Yo! This looks so sick, definitely gonna be watching.

Jon Juarez

@kugla :ablobblewobble: :ablobblewobble: :ablobblewobble:


@harriorrihar wonderful world and background arts - slightly stale and simple character arts and a bit strange - overly artsy - pacing. But great style in general. Have to watch the real thing - maybe pacing is only a problem of the trailer.

John Wehrle (v2)


Well now I want another streaming subscription, damnit.

Thanks a lot.

Will and the Fox

@harriorrihar this looks so good. I hope there is a way to watch it here in Germany.

Jon Juarez

@m_urbanowicz :ablobcheer: :ablobcheer: :ablobcheer:


@harriorrihar My god, that is gorgeous!!! I must watch that.

Hannes Papernoise

@harriorrihar I thought there was something familiar in the design 😀
Well congrats! Definitely one of the most promising and amazing looking animated series I've seen lately.

Will Morris-Julien

@harriorrihar it looks amazing 😻 I can see your wonderful work and it’s influences all through it!!! Will definitely be watching that! 🥰


@harriorrihar whoa!!!!
This looks absolutely amazing. I cannot WAIT!!!


@harriorrihar sooo much looking forward to it 😊

Keegan Leech

@harriorrihar Your style is all over this and it looks *gorgeous*.

@harriorrihar this looks excellent, I want to watch all the things you had a hand in. Now all I have to do is figure out how to watch it in the UK:-) #solarpunk is my fav subgenre


@harriorrihar thank you for sharing this! I’ll definitely be watching now 💜


@harriorrihar Kontxo! Akaso ez zenuen Islena Neirarekin lan egingo, ezta?

Jon Juarez


Bai! Islena Angoulemen ezagutu nuen, oso ona da. Baino Scavengers-en etxetik egin nuen lan, eta ez genuen koinziditu.


@harriorrihar A ze kasualitatea! Nire laguna da, beno, nire mutikoaren ohia, eta duela pila bat kontatu zigun honetan zebilela. Ikusteko irrikaz gaude!

(oso ona da eta oso katu guapoa dauka)

flaeky pancako

@harriorrihar omgosh I saw this trailer randomly the other day and immediately wanted to see it.. do you know anything about there animation pipeline / workflow or what tools they used? The look of it is outstanding , amazing job !

Jon Juarez


Well, I don't know what program they used, because I didn't work in the animation department. But I guess Toom Boom?

flaeky pancako

@harriorrihar oooo I never heard of this software till now very interesting! I only hang out in open source art world and am always curious what professional studios use.


@harriorrihar This looks great and i love the Backgrounds ☺️👍

Stephen Thomas

@harriorrihar Really looking forward to this, it looks incredible

Océane So cool! I'm looking forward to it! Where will it be available?

George Laskowsky

@harriorrihar Wow, congrats! the show looks rad, and I totally see your work in there (even as a concept)!


@harriorrihar I first saw a short for this back in 2016 on Adult Swim. I had always hoped that we would get a series

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