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Tim Lavoie

@lukeharby @pamela_weaver Hey, the recipe never says how large the cloves of garlic are. I buy large garlic.

WhichOne'sPink 🇫🇮

@pamela_weaver "The ONLY recipe in which a single clove of garlic is appropriate is 'How To Cook One Clove of Garlic'. Even then, use at least two."

I can't remember who said this but credit to them.

Caporal Stratégique

@pamela_weaver Super, @Owi fait dans le vandalisme public désormais pour faire passer ses idées !

John Davies ✅

@pamela_weaver I'd put it all in. This will test who your real friends are.


@johnnyd_cm @pamela_weaver I tread the middle path by asking whether they have limits around garlic in food.

You'd be surprised how often the answer is some form of "no."

Colin Watson

@KatS @johnnyd_cm @pamela_weaver I mean, everything has an LD50. (Though what a tasty way to go.)


On that note, if you're ever in Amsterdam, book a table at the Garlic Queen. If you do have a saturation-point for the stuff, you'll find it there.
@johnnyd_cm @pamela_weaver

Tim Lavoie

@johnnyd_cm @pamela_weaver If your friends eat it too, at least they have mutual self-defense.

Frosch B

@pamela_weaver i can't. i always use all the garlic i have.

Extinction Studies

@b_age @pamela_weaver

I can't do that because I have a big jar of it on hand plus fresh and powder. It might kill somebody.


@aka_quant_noir @b_age @pamela_weaver I am okay dying from a garlic OD. For the history books!

Dejan Mihajlović

@phwampfler Irritierende Aussage, weil sie suggeriert, es könnte ausreichend Knoblauch hinzufügt werden. @pamela_weaver

Philippe Wampfler

@dejanfreiburg @pamela_weaver Habe das mehr als Verlegenheitslösung interpretiert. Das, was man machen kann, wenn man das eigentliche Problem nicht lösen kann.

Your Future Ex

@pamela_weaver Food recipes always get the unit of meaurement for garlic wrong. It is always HEADS, not some puny cloves.

Baroque Mongoose

@pamela_weaver At least!

I knew someone who misread a recipe and put three *bulbs* of garlic in, instead of three *cloves*. Apparently it was delicious...


@pamela_weaver The best chicken Kiev I ever had was cooked by Mrs Wife, back when she was just Miss Friend. She was an inexperienced cook, and didn't know the difference between a clove of garlic and a bud of garlic.

I thought it was great, but the people who lived with her weren't best pleased.

Brett Edmond Carlock

@pamela_weaver Saw someone recommend two _cloves_ for an entire "hearty garlic vegetable stew" and I 😭

At that point, just say you believe in essentialism and that the less you have of something the more powerful it is.

I can't.

Brett Edmond Carlock

@pamela_weaver that whole cooking blog had big "We love spice in _this_ household" vibes, as they enthusiastically refer to chicken bouillon as spice.

Uilebheist 🏳️‍🌈

@Brett_E_Carlock @pamela_weaver I am convinced that "clove" is really an archaic spelling for "kilogram". So with that in mind, "2 cloves" could be in some cases enough garlic.


@pamela_weaver I also tend to triple or quadruple the salt. Always helps.


@pamela_weaver unless the recipe already begins with “2½ kg garlic”…

Pumpkin spiced Wolfdog

*150 years later*
*mono-cropping of garlic has laid waste to vast swathes of rainforest*
*the garlic lobbists now weild massive political power*
*People now regularly ingest a toxic level of garlic*
*fox news regularly airs shows complaining about how kids today are weak and treasonous because they're campaigning to reduce the amount of garlic used globally*


I showed my daughter (the garlic fiend) your post, and she said:


Chris Coleman

@pamela_weaver Every meal kit service should all have "the rest of the garlic" alongside the stuff from your own kitchen like oil and salt.


@pamela_weaver Potentially controversial advice from my mother.. put the garlic in just before the the dish is cooked for much stronger garlic taste.

TapTap 🎮

@pamela_weaver I have to stock extra garlic when using Hello Fresh because of this

Ian Douglas Scott

@pamela_weaver I was horrified by a recipe for avocado toast that said to cut a single clove in half, rub it against the bread, then discard it(?).

Obviously recipes are written in code so outsiders won't learn the secrets of cooking, and this really means "crush several cloves of garlic and mix into the avocado".


Being half Italian and half Polish - both notorious alliophiles, I will say that, unlike with onions, you can easily ruin a recipe by adding too much garlic. It should *enhance* the meal not be it.

We went through the same thing when Americans discovered (cough, cough, Parkerized) wine, where it was more, more, more fruit, alcohol and especially (the vinous equivalent of garlic) oak. It eventually became undrinkable


Helle (@ CCC Camp 📞 4355)

@pamela_weaver I have a local garlic farm. Before that I followed the rule of, when they say clove, they mean bulb. But now with The Good Shit™️ doubling is enough.

Paula - rip Natenom

@pamela_weaver When the cookbook gives you "a garlic clove" take a garlic bulb.
- ancient wisdom

Bored Baby

@pamela_weaver The minimum I use for any recipe is a bulb. It blows my mind when a recipe will ask for like just one or two cloves

Zalasur 🐵

@pamela_weaver but why is the note taped to the lamp post telling me to use less garlic in my dishes? 😉


@pamela_weaver When the recipe calls for two cloves of garlic

Joseph Holsten

@pamela_weaver @DelilahTech “That’s weird, how’s you decide you need 65536 tablespoons of garlic in this?”


@pamela_weaver Garlic Ultras! :netkitty: ❤️‍🔥

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