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"Automated translation of web content is now available to Firefox users! Unlike cloud-based alternatives, translation is done locally in Firefox, so that the text being translated does not leave your machine."

I got to see the early demos of this and it is jaws-on-the-floor bonkers wizard magic. Entirely local - and good - translation with no cloud service and like 6MB of storage per language.



Super cool. I have been amazed with - a #selfhost #translation #AI you can also 'teach' to improve its accuracy.

(Also used by some #mastodon sites to provide private translation services.)

Yani Bellini Saibene

@mhoye Oh, cool! I have been watching the repo since you told me about this project.

Josh Grant

@mhoye I just updated and tried this, and yes, jaw-dropping is correct

Gabriele Svelto

@mhoye one great aspect of this is that it's zero-cost for Mozilla, vs the running costs of server-based approaches. I'd still like to see some UI improvements but overall it's fantastic


@gabrielesvelto The least appreciated part of on-device, surveillance-free technologies is how much cheaper they are for everyone involved.

Ted Mielczarek

@mhoye @gabrielesvelto it's pretty ridiculous that we wound up in a situation where we all have pocket supercomputers but they send all of our data to be processed elsewhere.


@gabrielesvelto @tedmielczarek Service dependencies are profitable. It's a solvable problem, though.

Hubert Figuière

@tedmielczarek @mhoye @gabrielesvelto "we have to shutdown our server that we made your device require because it's unsustainable. Of course these servers were not required in the first place. Please recycle"

Fabrice Desré

@tedmielczarek @mhoye @gabrielesvelto If only a company didn't shutdown a project that could have put that in everyone's pocket, we could be living in the future

I am Jack's Lost 404


You mean you wouldn't rather have chatgpt tell you sweet lies while it assimilates all of your personal data?


@float13 I am, at this exact second, looking at the product of a resume-writing service that's leaning hard into chatgpt and you would not believe the word salad that I am apparently an expert in.

I am Jack's Lost 404


....that sounds about right actually. Resumes are the new SEO nowadays aren't they?

(I met someone in some hacker context who said they put a shitload of keywords in tiny font, white text on white background, in the bottom margin of their digital resumes just to appease The Bots)


@float13 That trick is old as dirt. The power move there is to add enthusiastic recommendations and the names of company executives in the invisible white one-point-font borders of everything.


@mhoye Hoping they add translating highlighted text soon too.

Daimar Stein :sphealroll:

@JiSe @mhoye It's a feature of the extension they created as a way to develop this. I believe you can still use it fine and not have any conflicts:

Nikolay Bogoychev


The translation module is the labour of a number of European universities in partnership with the Mozilla foundation and the funding for it came from the EU.

You can read about it here:

It's a real shame this information didn't make it to the release notes.


@Xapajiamnu @mhoye release notes are always short and direct. I will see if we can improve this. Sorry about that. We are very grateful for the work of the consortium.


@sylvestre @Xapajiamnu @mhoye any chance this will get into the next release of firefox-esr?


@marjolica @Xapajiamnu @mhoye next major esr, yes. The current esr branch, unfortunately no. Too risky to backport the work


@sylvestre @Xapajiamnu @mhoye agree, I was not expecting it to be backported to 102, but we (Debian/Devuan) are now on 102.14 so was wondering what whether the next annual bump (obviously due soon) would be based on 118 or higher.

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@Xapajiamnu @mhoye American organisation ignores public funding outside USofA and decides to promote itself. Film at 11.


@Xapajiamnu @mhoye Fixed in staging. Should be live soon. Sorry about that.

Janis La Couvée

@mhoye that's a game-changer, for sure. I've been a loyal Firefox user since 2004.

Thomas 🔭✨

@mhoye @bitcrush_io Thisnis how it should be done. We have supercomputers on our desktops and in our pockets.

Btw, iOS had on-device translations (including in Safari) for three years now iirc, since iOS 14 (you need to download languages in the Translate app).

It’s good to see Firefox offering this now as well.



I have had 4 or 5 toots about this in my timeline, but not one about the fingerprint protection which for me is way more important, but that is just me

@mhoye I just installed 118 and it's indeed Amazing!

@mhoye Been using that for a while now and it's great (as long as the language is supported but hey it's already plenty).

Janne Oksanen

@mhoye Automated translation has actually been the #1 reason why I've been using Chrome for the past decade. I can't wait to give this a go and maybe I'll be able to switch back to the Fox.

Jerry 🇳🇱 🇸🇪
@mhoye @janneoksanen There are several plugins in Firefox that do that already. No need to use Chrome for that.

@mhoye Been a Firefox main browser user basically since it came out.
Even if Chrome is supposedly "faster" in benchmarks, I always felt more at home with Firefox.


@mhoye This is the last non-work-compatibility reason I ever pulled out Google services on web browsing and I'm very glad I have it. Going to be using this plenty...

hazelnot :yell:

@mhoye Aw it doesn't do Romanian yet :(

Actually it's pretty weird cause it doesn't have some much more widely spoken languages but then it has Bulgarian? o.o


@mhoye Proof that doing stuff "the classic way" still works and we don't really need Big Tech's cloud platforms


I read this the last weeks and always asked me who needs this, because I thought it will be an online translation service and I hate this. Didn't notice they spoke of a local one. Nice, nice. Let's see how this evolves. Somebody here said only a few languages are available, but I'm sure it will be more and more in the future.


@mhoye Got the new version, but I have no idea how to use the translation feature :(


@sylvestre @mhoye The translation icon isn't showing.
That completely empty list in translation settings (with not way to add anything) doesn't look good either...


@fabienmarry @mhoye try to do on
if you don't have Spanish in your supported locales in Firefox, you will the translation icon on the right of the URL bar. It will then propose the translation and download the model


@fabienmarry parfait, tu peux plus facilement acheter du matériel en Espagne ;)


I wonder for this will ever be available in the android version.

Jay Hannah

@mhoye 6MB? How can that possibly work? Storing only vectors? Even if so, 6MB seems tiny…?


@deafferret When I say it is bonkers wizard magic I am not kidding. When we saw the demo people were yelling. "That's four floppy disks! How is that possible?!? How is any of this happening?!?!?"

Ezlin Rye


That actually sounds fantastic. See, THIS is what I meant when I said "compete on features".

Very cool!👍


annnnd it failed. On their example page, no less. Welp. There's that. :hes_sigh:


@mhoye it's so good I've been trying to get it into my instance as a native translation provider :fox_mage2:

(also wishing someone built a google-translate-but-uses-this-as-the-underlying-engine-local-translate-android-app so I don't want to/have to :blobfoxpleading: )

chutten (he/him)

@flaki @mhoye Well, on Desktop you can go to `about:translations` for Firefox's built-in one. Alas, it doesn't work on Firefox for Android and I'm not sure why.

@sylvestre probably has an idea of why.


@chutten @flaki @mhoye the UX is a bit more complex on Android in general. We are working on it but it takes time to get it right!

Blake Leonard For web,

It seems possible to port this to an Android app (given it's on Github and by Mozilla, the source is open, and the models are probably available too).

René M. Grabow


This was the main reason for me to have a Chrome browser beside FF.

I guess I'll ditch Chrome after a little trial period.

Thomas Frans 🇺🇦

@mhoye This actually feels like magic! How is it doing this with only 6MB per language?!?


@mhoye That’s huge. Let’s hope this is good enough to bridge the gap with Chrome and so people don’t feel like they’re compromising choosing Firefox.

Also I’m not at home currently, so could you please check if Latvian is supported (and if it is send a screenshot of the translated text)? I wish to slowly convert my parents, but they don’t speak English that well, so some translator is necessary :)

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