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Dear self-hosters,

We are proud to present you an all new applications catalog for #yunohost :tada:

🏷️ Categorized view inspired by your own #selfhosted server’s webadmin.
🔍 Searchable list, including apps alternatives
⭐ Use your forum account to star apps that you like, use, or long for
🚀 Longing for, we said? The catalog now integrates the apps wishlist. You can star them and propose your own.

and much more, enjoy!

A thinking meat

@yunohost lots of useful and fun apps! and BookWyrm 🤩


@yunohost great! Thank you very much.
Will there ever be the support for Docker Container additional to the Apps?

ThatOneCalculator nice, although Calckey should NOT be on there. Firefish (on the same page) is the same project as Calckey, but the newer version. Old versions of Calckey have been deprecated and are not recommended for security and performance reasons.

Alexandre :cert: :normandie:

@yunohost Very good idea ! Usefull to search apps before connecting to YH admin ! 👌🏻

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