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Meredith Whittaker

SO good -- the best follow the money reporting on who's behind the global attack on digital privacy yet.

TLDR: it's law enforcement x AI companies posing as NGOs w a commercial interest in selling scammy mass scanning tech. Deeply cynical, deeply shady.

Meredith Whittaker

I don't know if it could be any clearer...

Meredith Whittaker

This is absurd. A fake "foundation" stood up by the governments pushing for mass scanning in order to promote mass scanning proposals...

Meredith Whittaker

To those who've piously corrected those who've expressed the legitimate fear that mass scanning will quickly be ab/re-used for other purposes...



I hope the public and legislators will soon understand that #AI is not the solution to the exploitation of children but much more part of the problem.

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