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joshua byrd πŸ¦„

Dear online friends, my daughter Vada has been collecting these Woolworths Disney cards and was hoping to get the whole set of 100, but she is missing a few and the promotion period is now closed. So if you've shopped at Woolworths (Australia) lately and have any spares of the following, we would be so grateful and happily pay for postage.

7, 8, 12-15, 24-26, 29-32, 40, 41, 58, 59, 75, 78, 87, 88, 98

Thanks so much. Boosts welcome. :BoostOK:


@phocks hey man, some of the stores have leftovers and you can ask to pick up specific cards. Not sure how common it is though.

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

@dashlion That's a good idea. We will do that. Thanks!


@phocks I have a bunch I haven’t even opened - can you remind me to look next week when I’m home?


@phocks We have 13 and 15. And others you can have, but from this list she already has those others. Happy to send them over.

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

@daedalus Thanks so much!!! I will Private Message you our address so you can stuff them in an envelope. Send your PayPal or PayID or something so we can swing you a few dollars. 😊

Grant Trebbin

@phocks I think I have most of them. I'll have a look.

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

@gptreb If you have doubles and can spare to send any I'll send the address and can send a few dollars to cover postage.


@phocks I’ve got 15, 26, 29, 32, 40, 41, 78, 88.

Let me know an address and I’ll stick β€˜em in an envelope.

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

@tomflack Thanks so much! I'll DM the address. Send your PayPal or PayID etc and I'll swing you a few bucks!

Darren Tuer

@phocks my lads have doubles of 8, 31, 78, 88, 98-still going through the collection we may have a few more for Vada

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

@darrentuer Amazing. I'll send our address and will send a few dollars to you over PayPal or whatever. Will DM you.

Darren Tuer

@phocks no no payment-my lads would be stoked if Vada can spare a few they need for their collection😁 Numbers to follow once we get our collection sorted

Darren Tuer

@phocks if Vadas got doubles of the following (and she’s happy to part with them!) my lads need 4,12,15-17, 37-38, 46-51, 54, 64-65, 76-77, 84,, 88-89, 92 or 97

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

@darrentuer OK we have 4, 12, 37, 38, 46, 48, 49, 51, 77, 89, 92. Send over the address and we'll them as a fair trade :)

Darren Tuer

@phocks will stick it as the return address on tomorrow’s parcel❀️

Darren Tuer

@phocks we also can spare 7,13,14,24,29,30,40,58,59 and 87

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

PS. We have a lot of doubles also, so if you're also collecting feel free to let us know which ones you're after.

AndrewFelix πŸ€ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@phocks People usually do swaps on gumtree. Our kids used to do this with the oosh collectibles in the past and very quickly got the full set.

Dan MacLeod

@phocks I will have the child check the stash and get back to you πŸ™‚

James Cridland

@phocks We are checking for you. At least it’ll give my partner an excuse to hunt you down next time she’s at work!

joshua byrd πŸ¦„

@james this toot was more ominous and threatening than I initially expected haha

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