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Important tech tip for Slack users not sold on the new "design"

If you hard-refresh Slack Command-Shift-R, and then type Command-Shift-S, you get an extra vertical sidebar that disaggregates your individual slacks.

Thanks to @snarkout who has improved my life for the better, this day.

JJDavis :terminal:

@jessamyn @snarkout Sing along to "Won't Get Fooled Again": Meet the new design / Worse than the old design <insert Pete Townshend windmill power chords here>

Nelson Minar 🧚‍♂️

@jessamyn @snarkout Important and good news! Now if they could just somehow combine the left Slack buttons with the new middle navigation buttons into a single column, we'd really be getting somewhere.


@nelson @snarkout That really really should have been the plan all along.

graydon james

@jessamyn @nelson @snarkout Yes, two side panels had better not be the future of UI...

Саша Морс, here we go again...

@jessamyn @snarkout figured out this does work on linux (ctrl, not command) but sometimes doesn't hit?


@jessamyn @snarkout IT WORKED!!!

Kelly Guimont

@jessamyn @snarkout blessings upon you for this glorious tidbit that makes my life better!

Admiral Memo

@jessamyn @snarkout Oh this will definitely help me during Desert Bus.

Jim Lipsey

@jessamyn @snarkout @marcoarment Leave it to Slack to implement the well-proven three-column layout with four columns.

Josh Burton 🇳🇿

@jessamyn @snarkout oh thank you! The one part of the new design I hated.


@athornz @snarkout Yep. I hated to be such a crank about it, I know design is hard, but I'm in a LOT of active Slacks (at least a few for work) and it was a real problem to keep track of notifications with this redesign.


this worked for me (at least for now) on the mac app:


export SLACK_DEVELOPER_MENU=true open /Applications/

cmd-option-i, to open the chrome devtools (or pick it out of the menu)

go to console

at the prompt, change the appropriate js w/

localStorage.setItem("localConfig_v2", localStorage.getItem("localConfig_v2").replace (/\"is_unified_user_client_enabled\":true/g, '\"is_unified_user_client_enabled\": false'))

cmd-r reload slack

this worked for me (at least for now) on the mac app:


export SLACK_DEVELOPER_MENU=true open /Applications/

cmd-option-i, to open the chrome devtools (or pick it out of the menu)

go to console

at the prompt, change the appropriate js w/

localStorage.setItem("localConfig_v2", localStorage.getItem("localConfig_v2").replace (/\"is_unified_user_client_enabled\":true/g, '\"is_unified_user_client_enabled\": false'))

Jerry Sievert

@shandrew @jessamyn beware, they are actively overriding that - just keep it in developer mode, open dev tools again, and re-run.



Interesting! Looks like it gets reset pretty often by a variety of actions, so you need to get that first reload in before it gets reset.

Jerry Sievert

@shandrew I think I'm just going to keep the dev tools open for a while. should help mitigate it.


@jessamyn you are an absolute lifesaver.

Dan Gillmor

@jessamyn You don't happen to know what the Linux command would be, do you? @snarkout

Mat Gadd

@jessamyn @snarkout oof, glad to have the functionality back, but *my eyes* is that ugly!

Óscar Morales Vivó

@jessamyn @snarkout You dawg, I heard you liked sidebars, so we put a sidebar on the sidebar of your sidebar so you can…

Andy Polaine

@jessamyn @snarkout I found that Command-Q makes Snack enormously better.


@apolaine @snarkout If only I did not need it for at least three of my jobs....


@jessamyn @snarkout @duckalini thank you SO MUCH on behalf of my dear person who has a zillion Slacks and was losing so much time due to this interface change. Much appreciated!

Paul Cantrell

This is the rare occasion on which I fully approve the use of scare quotes.

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