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A lot of tech companies are trying to cut costs by getting rid of employees. So, you gotta give props to Unity for trying the brand new strategy of cutting costs by getting rid of their customers.


@Samsai also cutting costs by making their employees get rid of themselves, see: me

Vanni Di Ponzano 🚴 ❤️ ☕ 🍎


I think everyone should be fired . no one should have a job. no money and no-one buys anything.

Millenial :mastodon:

@bici @Samsai you could start a religion, I am sure you'd have plenty of cultist followers 🙋‍♂️

Raccoon Formality

@Samsai they should just cut down on the avacado toast and pull themselves up by their bootstraps


@Samsai How are all of these tech guys gonna find new jobs when everyone is laying off their staff?

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