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Nico Nico Belić

I am making a call to all the and people (please boost)

I am interested in computers (specifically the , , , , and ES EVM + ES PEVM), however I can't find (with the aforementioned limited knowledge) much info on where I can find ROMs of the original machines. I want to emulate those and see how well they work on the cloned CPUs. I am also interested in the aforementioned CPUs (K1810VM86 mostly, but also КР580ВМ80А and КР1858ВМ) and the specific quirks these had over the Western CPUs. I am essentially looking to know all about these systems, and try to emulate them. Can someone guide me to resources and ROMs for these machines? I'll go through the hassle of translating myself, but as it stands I have no connection to Russian-speaking people.

Спасибо вам и хорошего дня!

Sos Sosowski

@a13cui Post-communist too? I have an Elwro stashes somwhere

Sos Sosowski

@a13cui Oh wait, I also have an ISKRA-111 acoustic memory calculator

Nico Nico Belić

@sos yes, that works too
I should dig more into post-89 stuff too because I only know what developments have happened in Russia, I don't know what the rest of the Warsaw Pact did (I live in Romania and from my perspective and from what I've seen, development essentially stopped around 1991, we actually got a huuuuge head start in IT compared to the USSR, but this deserves a post of its own (which will definitely happen))

Nico Nico Belić

@derwinmcgeary hmmm, this is essentially the clone of the 8088 which is close to what I want, should be a pretty interesting read
it seems to vaguely describe the ISA and its instructions, but it goes more into the electric side of things with pin descriptions, timings and so on

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