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Dr. jonny phd

Here's one way of including sci-hub links in your bibliography if you use Jekyll-scholar. Dont wait for the publishers to catch up, make information liberation essential to how you share your work

Dr. jonny phd

Piracy is a just reaction to an unjust informational system

Martin Tilo Schmitz

@Fayedray @jonny sea faring was just the architecture of the information and value exchange infrastructure of the time / development stage of civilization.

There was also the story of a medieval french light-fire "morse" network that was "hacked"/hijacked by industrious merchants that encoded secret messages about price changes in local "stock exchanges" to game the markets.

And robberies along the silk route...

Lightning Bjornsson
@MartinTilo @Fayedray @jonny It was actually a semaphore system (large mechanical arms visible at a distance).

@jonny re: "piracy"... what can't be owned by being purchased can't be stolen by being copied.

Scott 🏴

@jonny the theft of non-scarce resources is a good and natural reaction to the hoarding of those resources, as the hoarding is inherently immoral and unnecessary for resources that are not scarce.


@jonny I thought it was dormant, as in not being updated anymore.

Dr. jonny phd

Yes, for now, but still important for works <2021 and if it goes dormant permanently following lawsuit we should view it as an obligation to find a replacement.


@jonny @gabriel Equally, I think it is an obligation that all researchers refuse to do unpaid reviewing work. Organized collective action could bring the abusive publishing industry to its knees in fairly short order. But I've been saying this for 30 years. The Stockholm syndrome runs deep.

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