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nixCraft 🐧

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| Don't Push To Production On Friday |
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Elliot Shank

@nixCraft Or any other day before lots of coworkers will not be available.

E.g. during the week of U.S. Thanksgiving, only Monday and Tuesday are valid deploy days.


@clonezone @nixCraft to many meetings on Monday, no push to prod on Monday.

Rafael Kassner

@nixCraft red penguin: I pushed to prod Friday 7:45PM, closed my laptop and turned off my phone.

Blue penguin: I’m the only user


@nixCraft Tell me you don’t have tests, and don’t use Ansible/puppet/whatever without telling me :P

Anders Eknert

@schrotthaufen @nixCraft testa are great, but shit still hits the fan sometimes.


@anderseknert @nixCraft It just occurred to me that deploying could also mean in-house software. That’s a different story from OS updates, 3rd party software, and network config all right. It shouldn’t be, though. You either have proper QA, or you don’t.

Greg Clarke

@nixCraft Yesterday I had a release ready at 5pm, Friday. Just ready. Sitting in staging.

Said to user manager/tester, we’ll release on Monday. She agreed.


@nixCraft Our plan for the rest of the day:
1. like and retoot this post.
2. yeet things right into prod.

Sternwarte Vach (Andy)

@nixCraft yeah, better do it on the last day before your summer vacation 😄

Inari :acefox:

@nixCraft how about building the package thats going to be deployed on Sunday thirty minutes before you leave on Friday?


@nixCraft it's a "civil servant" consideration, please don't be so boring

Geoffrey Sperl

@nixCraft But its *just* one line. Approve my PR, then we can merge, deploy, and go home.


@nixCraft I literally just had to deal with this today, seriously! What happened to people observing "Read Only Fridays"?


@nixCraft Rather push an issue to production on Friday instead🎵


@nixCraft a lesson so valuable that I’ve had to relearn it several times

AJ in Seattle

@nixCraft Unless you’re going on vacation on Saturday… 🙄


@nixCraft Unless you are the one on call this weekend and you need some overtime pay! 🤣


@nixCraft we started pushing early on Tuesday morning. Post weekend surge is over and dealt with. All staff is awake and ready to deal with issues that come up.


@nixCraft Agreed. Sit on all your changes so you can commit just before you leave on vacation. For 4 weeks. In the Himalayas. With no internet.


Look mam. I build test integration pipelines that are only really appreciated by pushing to prod on Fridays.

Sascha Raubal

Right. The best day is the last working day before a looooong vacation.😇

Mx. Eddie R

I like to cut my release candidates Friday afternoon so I can tell bizdev "sorry, it's in the pipeline but won't be QAed for release until Monday". Better for everyone.


@nixCraft Never! Unless you have brought your sleeping bag with you. Also don't forget clean 🩲 🩲 for the weekend at the office. LOL

Thomas Koeppen

@nixCraft @janriemer A majority of companies cannot push to production on Friday as they are far away from CI/CD/DevOps for the majority of their IT and still think in Day1/Day2.

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