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David Ho

I said a thing to Gregory Barber for WIRED.

Apparently, I think we should consume less if we want to do something about climate change.

Stefan Prandl

@davidho this is the same problem I have with people paying extra for airlines to “carbon offset” their travel.


@redezem @davidho That's actually funny tho.

When you pay more to buy carbon credits, you're paying for something the airlines have to buy offsets.

It's like feeling good about yourself for paying the sales tax on the fuel.

Kevin Leecaster

@opendna @redezem @davidho
If you fly without purchasing monitored, verified, and transparently reported carbon offsets than you are a climate science denier, #JustSayin


@GreenFire @redezem @davidho That's sounds like using nativism to coerce immigrants into buying hoax indulgences from London traders.

So no.

Sane Thinker

@davidho Should this not be obvious truth? Without degrowth and population reduction over time with sane policies, we're done. I have no doubt you are aware.

Daydream Soundtrax

@davidho the problem with the notion of removing CO2 is that it's another brainwash, it makes people think we've got it licked, we're just going to hoover up all the pollution, and so gives the CO2 producing industries a pass.

During war time certain materials and activities are restricted, we need that heavy hand now, nobody is going to self-sacrifice, it must be mandated with penalties for non-compliance, and with a propaganda campaign, just like war time rationing was.

tom jennings

>" the problem with the notion of removing CO2 is that it's another brainwash..."

Yes, seriously wtf!

Pure PR. After a few years of actual physical reduction in consumption, ok I'll read their CO2 removal stories. Until then it's all bullshit.



@davidho This shows how intelligent systemic solutions interact positively: circular economy protects the climate, protects biodiversity as well as local communities (less mining), freshwater (less production), … while stupid solutions (e.g., CCS or more, but electric vehicles) have lots of negative side-effects.

Dracula Chinakeks

It is actually quite shocking how many people don‘t realize this.

John Meadows

@davidho The only climate change “action”. That people will accept is that which does not impact their lifestyle and privilege.

David W. Jones

Re-use (old watch)
Reduce (don't make new watch)
Recycle (old watch when it quits working)
That's the order, correct?


@dancingtreefrog @davidho @MmeRoux

(no watch)

I broke my watch in 1987 and just never got around to getting a replacement.

Hugh Ferguson

@davidho the fundamental requirement for capitalism is that everyone needs to consume. Without consumption, there is no flow of money. With no flow of money, there can be no capitalism.



to consume less, we need a world we’re what we use doesn’t need hydrocarbons to function.

car free cities, passive heating/cooling, perma culture, building materials created from earth and sourced on site are all examples of this.

if a town or region is self sufficient, it will demand less global hydrocarbon.

SpliceFixer :nyancat_rainbow: :nyancat_body: :nyancat_face:

@davidho When I was a kid, I visited a repair shop. They repaired things. So you didn’t have to get something new, because your something old would be usable again.

Such a strange concept.


@davidho while I agree on the CO2 part, are you seriously boosting your own posts? 😄

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