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Using Free Software in commercial applications is a thing, but it's not a theft or transfer of assets, because software is zero marginal cost. The inverse of this argument was made by Microsoft in the 1990s arguing why government use of FLOSS was bad for the American economy.

I worked as a sys-admin for the government for over a decade and our use of Free Software saved the taxpayers enormous amounts of money.

1 comment
Martin Owens :inkscape:

@emacsen @yogthos


You have to consider what the labour actually *is* before you can make LaVar Burton tell us there was a transfer.

Programmers make things based on instructions. If the instructions come from the corporation, or if they gate keep repository, then you have a labour problem. If you threw some things over a wall and never so much as answered a support ticket; sorry no, that's just loss-aversion anxiety and conspiratorial thinking.


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