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This month in Servo…

🔐 switched to rustls
📺 updated WebGPU
🫧 floats now supported
⛔️ new crash error page
🎚️ new browser ui

…plus booths and talks and more at

• LF Europe Member Summit
• Open Source Summit Europe
• GOSIM workshop + conference

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Fabio Valentini

@servo why rustls? right now it's really painful to support because it uses ring for crypto ...

(I'm really looking forward to finally having support for pluggable crypto backends in rustls - just so I can, at some point in the future, avoid having to deal with ring on Fedora Linux)


@decathorpe @servo That ring have a really sad number of architectures that it supports makes me feel the same way on Debian:

Fabio Valentini

@alexanderkjall yeah, we have 5 supported architectures right now (since we dropped armhfp / 32-bit ARM), and ring only supports three of them - but I see that this is even worse for debian 🫣😂

@decathorpe @alexanderkjall yeah, and it blocks packages dependent on ring from entering testing as they are uninstallable on those arches.
Yerkebulan Tulibergenov

@servo @decathorpe sorry, got too focused on the first part of that message :)

Fabio Valentini

@yerke no worries, it happens to all of us 😄

Essem :skeeter:

@servo glad to see the project making progress again!


@servo Semi-OT: ooh are those Sway/i3 screenshots?

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