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james is afk

So, my account of events re: the Bad Space, an attempt of chronological order!

A server for trans people gets erroneously reccomended for a suspension on

- a mod on posts a thread full of misinformation about the list
- the same mod is in the private fedimin space and before waiting for a respose, argue with and ignore people who point out their anti-black undertones, we remove them
- I help get the wrongly-reccomended-for-action server off that list and off the individual "trusted source"'s list
- Ro fixes a bug displaying all servers that only have one action against it, still not properly live due to days of DDOSing
- the mod apologises publically
- the "trusted source" is removed from tbp at their request, they are held accountable for their anti-trans action and will not be invited back
- Ro gets 5(? so far?) days of racism thrown his way, he's an alt-right grifter who hates trans women despite working with them to make this list

james is afk

- The original trusted source responsible for that anti-trans action finally apologises (day 3?)
- Another trusted source backs out, they were supportive of the plan from the beginning but offer no support or commiseration, essentially appearing as they agree with all the abuse Ro et al. have been receiving
- The fediverse are bad at statistics, saying LGBTQIA* peopole are disproportionally represented on the bad space, failing to acknoweldge that the fediverse is hugely run by them, of which, strangeobject is one, we're an all trans team!
- Some (far from all) of these LGBTQIA* folk are the ones being racist
- are suspended/limited by several trusted sources due to their failure to once again, not just in this instance, combat racism
- Two mutuals spread lies about me, claiming I said and did things I did not, I show receipts
- 2am Friday morning, someone threatens to hack us, Esther spends a time checking that we're not vulnerable

- The original trusted source responsible for that anti-trans action finally apologises (day 3?)
- Another trusted source backs out, they were supportive of the plan from the beginning but offer no support or commiseration, essentially appearing as they agree with all the abuse Ro et al. have been receiving
- The fediverse are bad at statistics, saying LGBTQIA* peopole are disproportionally represented on the bad space, failing to acknoweldge that the fediverse is hugely run by them, of which, strangeobject...

james is afk

- White queers across the fediverse denounce us as queer haters, rampant unchecked racism and transphobia (?!) gets worse and worse to the point some of us are having panic attacks
- Trans people are now messaging myself and esther saying we're not trans, we're TERfs, and I donate all my "tech bro" money to TERFs. How can I be a bro? I'm not trans according to them. Have I been Cis this whole time?!


@james i am so sorry about what you have to go through! I really hope this ends soon


@james Ro is very prickly about his project and tends to leap for the worst possible interpretation of any critique of it. I can’t fault him too much on that, given the hideous racism on the fediverse. Alas, his design is not that great and it appears he’s blindly supporting his list providers despite their ‘phobic content.

And it does not help one bit that it appears like he’s adding sites to his personal lists just because people there are criticizing his project.

Blocking nazis is good. Blocking racists is good. But jesus christ that existing blocklist is unmitigated trash and it shows no signs of getting better

@james Ro is very prickly about his project and tends to leap for the worst possible interpretation of any critique of it. I can’t fault him too much on that, given the hideous racism on the fediverse. Alas, his design is not that great and it appears he’s blindly supporting his list providers despite their ‘phobic content.

Mechadragon Yria :transbian:

@james correction: it wasn't just "a server" for trans people, but multiple, and especially multiple for trans women.

You also left out mentioning the topic of transmisogyny entirely, instead just saying "transphobia".

You're ignoring what trans women are saying but you seem to think it's okay to imply you represent us in some way because you have a trans girlfriend. That looks like tokenism to me


@james Thank you so much for this timeline. Even as a fellow member of Fediadmins, keeping track of all this has been difficult. The clarification about there being two different websites really cleared things up, for example.
Although actually, aren't there three websites now? There was that first anti-blocklist pact, then that blog post listing all the supposedly transphobic blocks (is that just one blog post, or a whoel website?), and now The "Good" Space. Are these all by different bigots?

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