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Tobias Bernard

While we didn't quite manage to get all core apps ported to the new Adwaita 1.4 widgets in time for 45 (Looking at you, Software), the adoption among third party apps has been phenomenal!

Once the new Flatpak runtime is out (next week?) and people can start making releases everything's going to look sooo slick ✨

Cleo Menezes Jr. :verified:

@tbernard @alice I hope I can deal with procrastination and port my app. Haha

Jon Koops

@tbernard @alice Interesting that CSS Media Queries is mentioned, but not CSS Container Queries, any particular reason for that?

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮

@tbernard we really need to redo those devel stripes now that titlebars are flat

Tobias Bernard

@alice mmmh maybe, but I don't have any good ideas 🤔

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮

@tbernard me neither, but I mean those look pretty heavy now - they were optimized for the old grey header bars


@tbernard Yeah, I've been waiting for this week, simply because _everybody_ will release a new version of their app.😅

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