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@yoasif @aeva browser session ID, unique user ID, precise timestamp and various system information at any point you interact with any menu, tab, preference etc as well as when you turn open AND close FF. Check out Firefox Glean


@shved @aeva That just sounds like data. Where's the scary stuff?


@yoasif @aeva Sorry what? "sounds like data" ? Scary stuff is big corpos breaking into your house taking pictures of your passport or what ?
Its plenty that they tag you and log you every step of the way to qualify as "scary stuff", and FF does that in droves.


@shved @aeva Scary stuff is reading my browsing history. about:telemetry is innocuous data that developers can use to make the product better.

Maybe try to make me care about the FUD before going fully histrionic?


@yoasif @aeva You do realize that such rich metadata is personal data with one extra step, right? Your browsing history is inferred via 100+ data point fingerprint and is in no way private.
Defending such invasive practice in a privacy conversation is at best disingenuous.


@shved @aeva Sorry, now you are getting into active misinformation.

Explain to me how Mozilla gets my browsing history exactly? Please refer to about:telemetry and explain it to me.


@yoasif @aeva Tell me why FF needs to send all that excessive metadata via google and cloudflare every single time? Why telemetry CANT be disabled? Tell me google doesnt keep a log of FF created user IDs it receives to keep track of where I go?
You cant be so naive as to think such excessive metadata is "needed for dev improvements" or isnt misused?

Worth mentioning your potential vested interest as FF subreddit mod.


@shved @aeva I haven't done anything on that sub-reddit in weeks at this point, and I doubt I am going back.

You aren't going to count Cisco and ISPs as well in your conspiracy?

If you aren't going to engage in good faith, what is the point? We can't have a discussion where people espouse conspiracy theories that then have to be knocked down as straw men.

In any case, Google and Cloudflare don't get Firefox generated ids that keep track of where-ever you go. You need to prove that. Can you?

Alex replied to yoasif

@yoasif @aeva FF HAS all the metadata to id me, it DOES forward my data via untrustworthy channels, it CAN show it to them in the process. Therefore - it DOES. I think its a perfectly reasonable assumption purely based on our world of non-existent privacy and user-as-product.

I'll leave a link for further reading. Yes it goes a bit OTT with paranoia, BUT the points made are worth considering.

yoasif replied to Alex

@shved @aeva Sorry, now you are saying that Mozilla forwards your data via "untrustworthy channels". Are you seriously saying that Mozilla has been breached?

Where is the evidence?

Beyond that, what data are you referring to that is identifiable, and even if it is identifiable, how is it interesting?

When Google gets my browsing data, they show me ads.

When Mozilla knows how many tabs and windows I have open...

what, what happens? Explain it please.

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