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Tobias Hellgren

@selea I wish though that its core features ought to be perfected before moving on to the next shiny thing.

There's a lot to fix before hitting 1.0:
- Discovery is abysmal (like Masto, but worse somehow) unless on the official instance
- Multisize posts are popping their frame while first having white background before changing to black
- Multiple web interfaces where some features are only available in one of them
- Federation is still spotty, especially between platforms


Tobias Hellgren

@selea I really want @pixelfed to take over from Insta but today's it still feels very beta (I mean, because it is, I guess?)
Core implementation over features, is all I'm saying

:debian: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊 :t_blink:


Well compared to back in 2019, the difference is huge. I owned and it was not fun managing that server.

Ambivalena :verigold:

@thanius It would be really nice if the commenting where working on the webb, to se more than just someones comment and the answer. If there are more comments after that in the same "thread" there is no way to see them later under a post. @selea @pixelfed

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