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Niki Tonsky

You might say: Niki, but writing your own blog engine is a form of procrastination!

To what I will reply: since I started, I’ve already wrote my own ring router and couple of major features for Clojure Sublimed. Steady deep progress :)

Niki Tonsky

I now have my own instaparse-based markdown parser and multiline string literal tag for Clojure. All this to just write one more post :)

Jack Rusher

@nikitonsky the yaks aren’t going to shave themselves, after all

Niki Tonsky

Wrote HTML tag detector and my own version of hiccup with human-readable output. I can already re-generate old posts from the markdown sources!

Niki Tonsky

aaaaaand... is now served from my own server running Clojure! Migrated from Jekyll/Github Pages, now with my own router and from-the-scratch markdown parser

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