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@textfiles I wonder if a pedal version could be made. I can only put out a quarter h.p. on a good day which would need to be split between traction and potato lifting, but any potato patch of mine would be sufficiently small that that'd be more than enough.

Jason Scott

@ellenor2000 Excuse me, this is a catalog for industrial-level potato harvesting, weekend harvesters need not apply


@textfiles I want to industrialize my weekend harvesting though?

Chris R. Donnelly

@textfiles finally, a Dragula that actually digs through the ditches

Jim Daly

@textfiles Beautiful. Today's potato harvesters work on the same principal. Those guys 100 years ago had it sussed.

Steve :flan_hacker:​

@textfiles When I was a kid, I remember digging our potatoes with a similar one.


@textfiles @catsalad I thought this said “Event Driven Potatoes” and wondered why the potatoes needed a programming paradigm

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