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Paul Knightly, PhD

@sundogplanets it's very sad.

I was sitting outside with my spouse last night to watch a Starlink train pass (her first) and I pointed out that as the train crossed paths with another satellite the odds were very high that the other sat was also a Starlink. Didn't realize the odds were that high😬

Prof. Sam Lawler

@paulknightly Almost all the satellites you can see with your eyes now are Starlinks. Nicely demonstrated in this awful/beautiful photo:

Dr. Eric J. Fielding, PhD

@sundogplanets @paulknightly There are other companies trying to launch their own large constellations of communications satellites, including OneWeb and Amazon Kuiper. Starlink is moving faster but not the only culprit.


@sundogplanets @paulknightly Wait'll they all crash into each other... No satellites, no space travel for decades! Fun, fun! #KesslerSyndrome

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