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:solar: vivi


to disable Google Chrome's "advanced" ad tracking, navigate to the "Add and Remove Programs" window. Then, search for "Chrome" and choose "Uninstall". After this, the "advanced" ad tracking will cease.

Simon (a 🐮 in 🇳🇿)

@vv To solve this on MacOS, go to the "Applications" folder in your Finder

Then single click and drag Chrome to the little trash basket thingy in your "magic" MacOS bar, and release.

Then, start using Firefox.

After this, the "enhanced" ad tracking and complete sharing of your browser history with advertisers will stop.


@vv Don't forget the 4,813,246,498,748 Chromium-based browsers.

Sadly though, sometimes one has to use one to get certain really stupid sites to work. So far I think I've only run into two that didn't work right with Firefox at least. Probably need to look into sandboxing it before it starts gathering info even when not in use.


@vv Also like, go to or and get rid of Windows too!

Edan Osborne :flag_nonbinary:

@vv This may cause some websites to stop working. However, there's a simple fix:

Go to and click "Download". Then simply install the software. You will likely notice a fiery fox icon appear on your desktop. Double-click it, and the websites will work again.

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