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Elias Mårtenson

@Originallyrose @smallcircles I'm definitely not a google apologist, and I too am looking for an ideal replacement for google maps.

But I have never seen ads in google maps. I have used the application on Android, as well as Android Auto.

Speaking of Android auto, does any of these alternative map applications work with it?


@loke I had never before seen an ad on Google maps, and have seen none since that harrowing experience, but I haven't been back to LA. I don't know if they integrate with Android Auto, which used to be my preferred way of navigating in the car until I saw what a data hoover it is. Frankly, I was returning to paper maps when I saw the Organic Maps post, and will never again be without a supply of paper maps in the car.


@Originallyrose @loke

I like organic maps, its basically all I use. Sometimes I have to use duckduckgo to find cross-streets based on a numbered address (can't search for numbered addresses in organic maps) but I will pay for my privacy with a little time if necessary.

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